Composers: Mick
Jagger & Keith Richards
Recording date: November-December
1972 & May-June 1973
Recording locations: Dynamic
Sound Studios, Kingston, Jamaica & Island Recording Studios, London, England
Producer: Jimmy
Chief engineer:
Never performed onstage

Probable line-up:
Drums: Charlie
Bass: Bill Wyman
Rhythm electric guitars:
Mick Jagger (& Keith Richards?)
Lead electric guitars:
Mick Taylor
Vocals: Mick
Piano: Nicky
Violins, cellos, violas: (unknown
Oh, oh... my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
And it's sure been a cold, cold winter
And the wind ain't been blowing from the south
It's sure been a cold, cold winter
And a lot of love is all burned out
It's sure been a hard, hard winter
My feet they're dragging across the ground
And I hope it's going to be a long, hot summer
And a lot of love will be burning bright
And I wish I'd been out in California
When the lights on all the Christmas trees
went out
But I been burning my bell, book and candle
And the Restoration plays has all gone
It's sure been a cold, cold winter, Lord
My feet been dragging across the ground
And the fields has all been brown and barren
And the springtime take a long way around
And I wish I'd been out in Stone
When the lights on all the Christmas trees
went out
But I been burning my bell, book and candle
And the Restoration plays have all gone
... well, well, well
Sometimes I think about you, baby, well, well
Ow sometimes I cry about you, Lord, well, well, well, well, well, well, well
Yeah and I wrap my coat around you, woman
Yeah and I wrap my coat around you, woman
Oh Lord, I'm talking...
Yeah and I wrap my coat around...
Well, well... baby now sometimes I want to keep you warm
And sometimes I want to wrap my coat around
Sometimes I want to but I can't afford you
Sometimes I want to wrap my coat around you,
Sometimes I want to burn a candle for you
Yes I want to keep you warm, warm, warm
Sometimes I want to wrap my coat around you,
Lord, crying
Yeah... sometimes I feel so...
Oh, oh, li... li li li li li li
We started off (Goats Head Soup) with Winter,
which was just Mick (Jagger) strumming on a guitar in the studio, and everything
falling together from there.
Mick Taylor, 1973
Mick Jagger plays guitar on Winter.
Keith Richards, 1973
(That's) a Mick (Jagger) beauty.
Keith Richards, 2020
Yeah, I like that song, it’s really nice. Mick
(Taylor) and I just jammed on that, like, twice and that was it. And
then we did the nice little subtle string arrangements through the end
of it later. I always liked the way Mick picked out those pretty
melodies around the tunes. He was very good at that sort of thing.
- Mick Jagger, 2020
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