Who's Been Sleeping Here?

Composers: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Recording date: August & November 1966
Recording locations: RCA Studios, Los Angeles, USA; Olympic Studios & Pye Studios, London
Producer: Andrew Oldham      Engineers: Dave Hassinger & Glyn Johns
Never performed onstage

Probable line-up:

Drums: Charlie Watts
Bass: Bill Wyman
Acoustic guitar: Keith Richards
Eectric guitars: Keith Richards
Vocal: Mick Jagger
Piano: Jack Nitzsche
Harmonica: Brian Jones
Tambourine: Mick Jagger

What you say, girl
You see what is wrong?

You must be joking
You was led along

But the butler, the baker
The laughing cavalier

Will tell me now
Who's been sleeping here

I want to know

Tell me, baby, who's been sleeping...
What you say, girl
Who'd you see that night?

I, I was doing
Doing something right

Oh the soldier, the sailor
And then there's the three muskateers

Yes, they'll tell me now
Who's been sleeping here

Did I ever tell you I want to know?

Hey baby, who's been sleeping...

Don't you look like
Like a Goldilocks

There must be somewhere
Somewhere you can stop

Yes there's the noseless old newsboy
The old British brigadier

But you'll tell me now
Who's been sleeping here

Who's been eating
Eating off my plate?

Who will tell me?
Who'll investigate?

There's the sergeants, the soldiers
The cruel old grenadier

But they'll tell me now
Who's been sleeping here

Cause I want to know
Who's been sleeping right here

Was it your mummy, your daddy?
Who's been sleeping here?

Was it your auntie, your uncle?
Who's been sleeping here?

Was it your boyfriend, your girlfriend?
Who's been sleeping here?

All right

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