Till the Next Goodbye

Composers: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Recording date: February, April-May & August 1974
Recording locations: Musicland Studios, Munich, West Germany; Rolling Stones Mobile Unit, Mick Jagger's home, Newbury, England;

& Island Recording Studios, London, England

Producers: The Glimmer Twins        Chief engineers: Keith Harwood, Andy Johns & Glyn Johns
Never performed onstage

Probable line-up:

Drums: Charlie Watts
Bass: Bill Wyman
Acoustic guitars: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards & Mick Taylor
Slide electric guitar: Keith Richards
Lead vocal: Mick Jagger
Backing vocals: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Piano: Nicky Hopkins  

Honey, is there any place that you would like to eat?
I know a coffee shop down on 52nd Street
And I don't need no fancy food and I don't need no fancy wine
And I sure don't need the tears you cry
Till the next time we say goodbye 
Till the next time we say goodbye
Till the next time we say goodbye

I'll be thinking of you
I'll be thinking of you

Yeah, a movie house on 42nd Street
Ain't a very likely place for you and I to meet
Watching the snow swirl around your hair and around your feet
And I'm thinking to myself She surely looks a treat

Till the next time that we say goodbye 
Till the next time we say goodbye
Till the next time that we kiss goodnight

I'll be thinking of you
I'll be thinking of you

I can't go on like this
Can you, can you?
I can't go on like this
Can you?

You give me a cure-all from New Orleans
Now that's a recipe I sure do need
Some cider vinegar and some elderberry wine
May cure all your ills but it can't cure mine

Your Louisiana recipes have let me down 
Your Louisiana recipes have surely let me down

Till the next time we say goodbye - drink to it 
Till the next time we say goodbye
Till the next time we kiss goodnight

Till the next time that we say goodbye
Till the next time we say goodbye
Till the next time that we say goodbye
Till the next time we kiss goodnight

I'll be thinking of you
I'll be thinking of you


(The girl) was real (laughs), she was real.

- Mick Jagger, 1978

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