The Lantern

Composers: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Recording date: July & October 1967        Recording location: Olympic Sound Studios, London, England
Producers: The Rolling Stones        Chief engineer: Glyn Johns
Never performed onstage

Probable line-up:

Drums: Charlie Watts
Bass: Bill Wyman
Acoustic guitar: Keith Richards
Electric guitar: Keith Richards
Lead vocals: Mick Jagger
Background vocals: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Piano: Nicky Hopkins
Organ: Brian Jones
Mellotron: Brian Jones
Brass (?): Brian Jones

We, in our present life
Knew that the stars were right

That if you are the first to go
You'll leave a sign to let me know
Tell me so

Carry the lantern light

You crossed the sea of night

Free from the spell of fright

Your cloak it is a spirit shroud

You wake me in my sleeping hours
Like a cloud, so

Carry the lantern high

Me, in my sorry plight

You, waiting every night

My face it turns a deathly pale
You're talking to me through your veil
I hear you wail, so

Carry the lantern light

The servants sleep, the doors are barred
You hear the stopping of my heart
We never part, so

Carry the lantern high


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