She Saw Me Coming

Composers: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Recording date:
November-December 2004, March-April & June 2005
Recording locations:
La Fourchette, Posé sur Cisse, France & Ocean Way Recording Studios, Los Angeles, USA
Producers: Don Was
& The Glimmer Twins     Chief engineer: Krish Sharma
Mixer: Jack Joseph Puig         Never performed onstage


Drums: Charlie Watts
Bass: Mick Jagger
Electric guitars: Keith Richards & Ron Wood
Slide electric guitar: Ron Wood
Piano: Keith Richards
Vocals: Mick Jagger
Backing vocals: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards & Blondie Chaplin
Percussion: Mick Jagger

She saw me coming
She saw me coming, yeah

She saw me coming
I didn't see a thing
I wasn't looking
I just walked into it

A sucker for her, I'm a sucker
Thought I was so cool
She saw me coming
Boy did I get screwed


She saw me coming
She had me dead to rights
Her aim was stunning
I was lined up in her sights

She worked so fast
And she didn't mess around
It was all over
Before the sun go down, before the sun go down

She saw me coming, yeah
She saw me coming

She saw me coming
She moved in for the kill
She saw me coming
Just served up on her grill

She busted in and she burglarised my soul
But now the bad news: she's out on parole

She wrote the opening
The middle and the end
What a cast of characters
Her lovers and my friends

The plot was twisted
There was only one result
She saw me coming
But the going, going got too tough

She saw me coming
Yeah, yes she did
She saw me coming
Right on the grid, right on the grid

She saw me coming
I was a stupid jerk
She saw me coming
She was a piece of work, yeah

She must have tapped my phone
She saw me coming
I felt like I was cloned

She saw me coming
She had me on the ropes
She saw me coming
Ah, took me for a dope

She saw me coming
Yes she did, yes she did
She saw me coming

She saw me coming



On She Saw Me Coming, that is Mick on bass, Charlie, Keith and me, cut live. We should do more like that, like in the Faces' days where we would just take off - eyes down, meet you at the end.

- Ron Wood, July 2005

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