Oh No, Not You Again

Composers: Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Recording date:
November-December 2004, March-April & June 2005
Recording locations:
La Fourchette, Posé sur Cisse, France & Ocean Way Recording Studios, Los Angeles, USA
Producers: Don Was
& The Glimmer Twins      Chief engineer: Krish Sharma
Mixer: Jack Joseph Puig
          Performed onstage: 2005-07


Drums: Charlie Watts
Bass: Keith Richards & Darryl Jones
Electric guitars: Keith Richards (incl. solo), Mick Jagger & Ron Wood
Vocals: Mick Jagger

Here you stand before me
Waiting to be kissed
You're a beauty, such a cutie
How could I resist?

It's been a month of Sundays
Since we last have spoke
So much water, you've got daughters
I fell out of the boat

Oh no, not you again
Fucking up my life
It was bad the first time
I can't stand it twice

Oh no, not you again
I can't stand the pace
Once bitten, twice shy
Let me out of the race

The setting's so romantic
Love is in the air
All is perfect but I'm allergic
To your piercing stares

You look so cool and tempting
In your couture dress
You're addictive, as predicted
I'm nervous I confess

Oh no, not you again
Mashing up my life - ah ah-ah-ah
It was bad the first time, yeah
You had me in a vice

Oh no, not you again
I hear the inner shout
It was bad the first time around
When you turned me inside out - no

Everybody's talking
Showing off their wit
The moon is yellow but I'm not jello
Staring down your tits

My life flashes forward
Then it flashes back
I'm still dreaming and I'm screaming
Get me off the rack!

Oh no, not you again
I can't stand the pain
I was burned the first time, yeah
I can't deal again

Oh no, not you again
Messing up my life, yeah
Once bitten, twice shy
But I can't do it twice - ah

Oh no, not you again
Fucking up my life
It was bad the first time around
I better take my own advice

Oh no
Oh no
Oh no



Sometimes there's just the general idea - just the phrase, Oh no, not you again. We sleep on that and the next day slip each other bits of paper saying, How about if it went this way? It's all a bit of a patchwork really. But eventually you start to get the threads of songs. You knock off a couple of chords and say, That's nice. Then you see what happens next. I feel it doesn't have much to do with me. I'm just being led by a series of notes and possibilities. I just hang on and see what happens.

- Keith Richards, July 2005

Oh No, Not You Again is an incident song... it's about a real incident and has tons of humour in it. For me, it's more fun. Don't you hate that, when people use songs to do their therapy?

- Mick Jagger, August 2005

Oh No, Not You Again is based on a real incident. But I made it funnier than it was.

- Mick Jagger, July 2005

(It's) a fast rocker... almost punk, very fast with punk sensibilities.

- Mick Jagger, 2005

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